It is with huge thanks to Professor Ian Rogerson for maintaining a substantial list of Fleece Press publications to date that we are able to provide the following bibliography. Each book is listed with a title in bold followed by a subtitle and/or authors and contributors, and then, in italics, the location at which the Press was located at the time of publication, the name under which the book was published, and the year of publication. As you will see, the first three books were printed with help from the Whittington Press, and subsequently the Fleece Press was born (albeit initially under the name Box Tree Press). I hope you enjoy browsing this list and that it proves a useful reference.
** denotes books that are still available
Underlined entries are linked to their own pages.
Printed at the Whittington Press
FP1. S. T. E. Lawrence: Boxwood Blockmaker
Wood-engravings collected in honour of his eightieth birthday
Wakefield, Simon Lawrence, 1980
FP2. 45 Wood-engravers
Edited by Simon Lawrence, with an introduction by John Lawrence
Wakefield, Simon Lawrence, 1982
FP3. A Lakeland Diary, by Enid Wilson
With wood engravings by Kathleen Lindsley and Edward Stamp
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1985
From S.T.E. Lawrence: Boxwood Blockmaker (FP1), an engraving by Leo Wyatt made especially for the book
Printed by the Fleece Press
Cover of The Press, that villainous engine (FP6)
FP4. The Death of Charles Stothard
An Eyewitness Account, with an introduction by Richard Knowles
Wakefield, Box Tree Press, 1981
FP5. The Harewood Alabasters
Drawings by H. D. Pritchett, introduced by Richard Knowles and Pauline Routh
Wakefield, Simon Lawrence, 1983
FP6. The Press, that villainous engine, by Andrew Marvell
Wood engravings by Peter Forster
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1984
FP7. A Memory of W. H. Hudson, by Helen Thomas
Introduced by Myfanwy Thomas and illustrated by Michael Renton
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1984
FP8. Margaret Wells, a selection of her wood engravings
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1985
FP9. T. E. Lawrence, book designer: his friendship with Vyvyan Richards
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1985
Thomas Turner’s Diary (FP15) Title Page
FP10. Liturgical Music in Benedictine Monasticism
Liturgical Music in Benedictine Monasticism. A Post-Vatican II Survey. Volume 1. The Monasteries of Monks. Dom David Nicholson OSB. Mount Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, Oregon, USA.
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1986
FP11. Mud Walls: excerpts from the sermons of John Donne
With five wood engravings by Jane Lydbury
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1986
FP12. The Fleece Press Guide to the Art of Wood Engraving
By George Tute
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1986
FP13. Leon Underwood: His Wood Engravings
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1986
Yan, Tyan, Tethera (FP16), the Press’s first accordion fold
FP14. Claughton Pellew
Five wood engravings printed from the original blocks with a biographical note by Anne Stevens
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1987
FP15. Thomas Turner’s Diary, 1754-1763
With Wood Engravings by Peter Forster
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1987
FP16. Yan, Tyan, Tethera: Counting Sheep, by H. D. Rawnsley
With wood engravings by Kathleen Lindsley
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1987
FP17. Stanley Morison, Man of Letters
By Beatrice Warde
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1988
A page from Stanley Morison, Man of Letters (FP17)
FP18. A Cross-Section: the Society of Wood Engravers in 1988 (1987)
Edited by Simon Lawrence with an introduction by Simon Brett, a memoir of Stanley Lawrence by Ian Mortimer and an account of the Society in the 1950s by Frank Martin
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1988
The miniature A Guide to the Hand Press (FP24)
FP19. Bookplates and Labels by Leo Wyatt
By Brian North Lee, introduced by Will Carter
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1988
FP20. Surplus Pages from A Cross-Section: The Society of Wood Engravers in 1988 (1987)
Eight wood engravings and the preliminary pages
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1988
FP21. Joan Hassall: an address by Brian North Lee
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1988
FP22. The Yorkshire Dales [I]
The Yorkshire Dales. Wood Engravings by Marie Hartley. Smith Settle
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1989
The Auto-biography of Luke Hansard (FP28)
FP23. The Great Storm
The Great Storm of October 1987 and its aftermath. Five Wood Engravings by Claire Dalby, Monica Poole, Peter Reddick, Peter Smith and George Tute. The Society of Wood Engravers.
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1989
FP24. A Guide to the Hand Press, by Ward Ritchie
Engravings by Anthony Christmas
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1989
FP25. Herbert Hodgson, Printer
Work for T. E. Lawrence and at Gregynog
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1989
Title page of Of Gardens, by Francis Bacon (FP35)
FP26. Bookplates by Simon Brett
By Brian North Lee
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1989
FP27. Agnes Miller Parker: wood engraver and book illustrator, 1895-1980
By Ian Rogerson with recollections of the artist by John Dreyfus
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1990
FP28. The Auto-biography of Luke Hansard, written in 1817
Edited with an introduction and notes by Robin Myers, and wood-engraved illustrations by John Lawrence
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1990
FP29. The Yorkshire Dales [II]
The Yorkshire Dales. A further selection. Wood Engravings by Marie Hartley. Smith Settle.
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1991
FP30. Dearest Sydney: Joan Hassall’s letters to Sydney Cockerell from Italy & France, April-May 1950
Edited by Brian North Lee
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1991
Contents page of John Nash: twenty one wood engravings (FP37)
FP31. Dear Mercia: Paul Nash letters to Mercia Oakley, 1909-18
Edited by Janet Boulton
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1991
FP32. The Art of Binding Books
By Angela James, illustrated by Anthony Christmas
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1991
FP33. Reynolds Stone: Engraved lettering in wood
With an introductory essay by Michael Harvey
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1992
FP34. The Wood Engravings of Ethelbert White
By Hilary Chapman, with an introduction by Peyton Skipwith
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1992
FP35. Of Gardens, by Francis Bacon
With perspex engravings by Betty Pennell
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1993
A Pretty Mysterious Art (FP43) in its pretty mysterious box
FP36. Bathers and Dancers: the white line and silhouette engravings of John Buckland Wright
With an introduction by Christopher Buckland Wright
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1993
FP37. John Nash: twenty one wood engravings
Introduced by Allen Freer
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1993
FP38. The Sayings & Doings of T. E. Lawrence, by Wing Commander R. G. Sims
Edited by Dr Leo John de Freitas, with an introduction by John Sims and notes by A. J. Flavell
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1994
FP39. In Praise of John Baskerville, a tribute by F. E. Pardoe
Illustrated by Anthony Christmas
Wakefield, Fleece Press, 1994
FP40. Baigneuses: John Buckland Wright
Introduction by Christopher Buckland Wright
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1995
Colophon from Mr Derrick Harris, 1919-1960 (FP48)
FP41. Cats and Landladies’ Husbands: T. E. Lawrence in Bridlington
Introduced by Richard Knowles with a note by Phil Clabburn
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1995
FP42. Never be a Bookseller, by David Garnett
With a postscript by Richard Garnett and engraving by Howard Phipps
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1995
FP43. A Pretty Mysterious Art: A lecture by C. W. Woolnough to the Royal Society of Arts
Introduced by Barry McKay & new samples by Ann Muir
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1996
FP44. Gwen Raverat, Wood Engraver
By Joanna Selborne and Lindsay Newman Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1996
FP45. The Country Life
By Kathleen Lindsley
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1997
The Whole Benefits that Paper Brings (FP54)
FP46. The Four Seasons, by John Lawrence
Four wood engravings made in 1982 to illustrate The Magic Apple Tree by Susan Hill
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1997
FP47. First Friends: Paul and Bunty, John and Christine – and Carrington
By Ronald Blythe
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1998
FP48. Mr Derrick Harris, 1919-1960
By Simon Brett
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1998
FP49. The Rich Jew of Malta
Four wood engravings made by Eric Ravilious in 1933 for the Golden Hours Press’ Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1998
FP50. Moods and Tenses: The portraits and characters of Peter Reddick
By Ian Rogerson
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 1999
Title page spread, Precious Caskets (FP56)
FP51. Surreal Times: The abstract engravings and wartime Letters of John Buckland Wright
Introduced by Christopher Buckland Wright
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 2000
FP52. Tales from Bleeding Heart Yard: Stories about Stanley Lawrence
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 2000
FP53. Dearest Joana: A selection of Joan Hassall’s lifetime letters and art
Edited by Brian North Lee with an introduction by John Dreyfus
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 2001
FP54. The Whole Benefits that Paper Brings, by Thomas Churchyard
Written in 1588, with engravings by Anthony Christmas
Denby Dale, Fleece Press, 2002
FP55. Ravilious at War: The complete work of Eric Ravilious, September 1939 – September 1942
Edited by Anne Ullmann with contributions by Barry and Saria Viney, Christopher Whittick and Simon Lawrence and a foreword by Brian Sewell
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2002
Endeavours & Experiments (FP57) and its slip case
FP56. Precious Caskets: The friendship of T. E. Lawrence and William McCance
By Richard Knowles
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2003
FP57. Endeavours and Experiments: John Buckland Wright’s essays in woodcut and colour engraving, together with other blocks remaining in his studio
Edited by Christopher Buckland Wright
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2004
FP58. The Golden Reign: The story of my friendship with ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, by Clare Sydney Smith
With a foreword by Mrs. S. Lawrence, and new introduction by Malcolm Brown, newly illustrated by vintage photographs
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2004
FP59. Two Superiors: The motor-cycling friendship of George Brough & T. E. Lawrence
By Richard Knowles
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2005
Title page spread of Barnett Freedman: The Graphic Art (FP62)
FP60. The Inward Laugh: Edward Bawden and his circle
By Malcolm Yorke
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2005
FP61. Bookplates by Richard Shirley Smith
By Brian North Lee
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2005
FP62. Barnett Freedman: The Graphic Art
By Ian Rogerson, with an essay on Freedman as Master Lithographer by Michael Twyman
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2006
Eric Ravilious: Landscape, Letters & Design (FP65), Volume One
FP63. To Beauty: John Buckland Wright’s work with Joseph Ishill of the Oriole Press
By Christopher Buckland Wright
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2007
FP64. To War with Paper and Brush: Captain Edward Ardizzone, Official War Artist**
By Malcolm Yorke
Upper Denby, Fleece, Press, 2007
John Swarbrick: List of Wharfedale Flies (FP67)
FP65. Eric Ravilious: Landscape, Letters & Design
By Anne Ullman, Christopher Whittick & Simon Lawrence, with a foreword by Alan Powers
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2008
FP66. Land, sea & sky: Peter Reddick
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2009
FP67. John Swarbrick: List of Wharfedale Flies
Introduced by Leslie Magee & illustrated by Joan Hassall
Upper Denby, Fleece Press / Otley, Ken Smith Publishing, 2009
FP68. Today I worked well – the picture fell off the brush: the artistry of Leslie Cole**
Told for the first time by Malcolm Yorke, with an interesting note on Brenda Cole
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2010
Tone, Texture, Light and Shade (FP71)
FP69. Think of it as a poster
By Brian Webb
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2010
FP70. Our Village: Six hand-printed wood engravings cut by Joan Hassall in 1947
Printed at the Fleece Press in aid of the Keep It Up campaign
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2011
FP71. Tone, Texture, Light and Shade: A Barnett Freedman Picture Album
Introduced by Ian Rogerson
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2011
Long Live Great Bardfield (FP72) and Hornet & Wild Rose (FP93) side by side
FP72. Long Live Great Bardfield & love to you all. Tirzah Garwood: her autobiography, 1908-43
Edited and with biographical notes on the period 1943 – 54, by Anne Ullmann
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2012
FP73. Tom Chadwick and the Grosvenor School of Modern Art
By Julian Francis
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2013
FP74. Edward Walters, printer ☩ engraver**
With recollections of him as father and teacher by Tom Walters & Richard Russell and a checklist of his work by John Gray
Printed by hand in 2013 [published 2014] at the Fleece Press
Mr Kilburn’s Calicos (FP76)
FP75. Sensuous Lines: A catalogue raisonné of the intaglio prints of John Buckland Wright**
Compiled and introdued by Christopher Buckland Wright
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2014
FP76. Mr Kilburn’s Calicos: William Kilburn’s fabric printing patterns from the year 1800
By Gabriel Sempill & Simon Lawrence
Published for the first time by the Fleece Press in the year 2014
FP77. Tirzah on a cockerel, by Eric Ravilious, 1903-42, engraved in 1931
Upper Denby, The Fleece Press / Liss Fine Art, 2014
FP78. Transferware Treasures: Watercolours by Emily Sutton
Published by the Fleece Press, 2014
Ravilious for Curwen (FP82)
FP79. Boxwood & Slate: Wood engravings by Philip Hagreen printed to save a Cornish gravestone
A booklet made at the Fleece Press in 2015
FP80. The Last Autobiographical Notes of Thomas Bewick, recording his journey with his daughters to London & Boston Spa, in 1828
Transcribed from the unpublished manuscript with a commentary by Iain Bain
Upper Denby, The Fleece Press, 2015
FP81. Pen, Paper & a Box of Paints: Albert Rutherston, illustrator and designer for the stage
By Ian Rogerson
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2015
FP82. Ravilious for Curwen: A glimpse of joy from 1933 given new life at the Fleece Press
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2015
FP83. Richard Bawden. His Life and Work
By Malcolm Yorke
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2015
When I was a Lad at the Bodley Head (FP86)
FP84. Dilige Deum. Love God and do what you will. The story of an inscription cut in Beer stone by Eric Gill as a gift for Lucy Wertheim**
Told for the first time by The Fleece Press, Upper Denby, 2016
FP85. Dunbar Hay Ltd 1935-40 & the Achievements of Cecilia Dunbar Kilburn
By Simon Lawrence
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2016
FP86. When I was a Lad at The Bodley Head: Ravilious blocks rescued by Peter Guy
By Simon Lawrence
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2016
The Man who was called by his own self by Tirzah Garwood from the prospectus for Hornet & Wild Rose (FP93)
FP87. Gargoyles & Tattie-Bogles, the lives and work of Douglas Percy Bliss and Phyllis Dodd**
By Malcolm Yorke
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2017
FP88. A Shy Bird: The US copyright edition of Seven Pillars of Wisdom**
By Charles Eilers
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2018
FP89. Out of Sorts: A bookplate engraved by Lucien Pissarro
By Rod Fursman
The Fleece Press / Lott Rare Books, 2018
FP90. Vivien Gribble: Twenty Wood Engravings**
Introduced by Ian Rogerson
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2018
FP91. Ploughshare & Hayrick: the life and work of Claughton Pellew and Kechie Tennent**
By James Methuen Campbell
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2019
FP92. While Daddy’s Away at the War: poems for Prudence & Rosalind, compiled and embellished by Douglas Percy Bliss**
Liss Llewellyn and the Fleece Press, 2019
Part of an alphabet print from Woodcuts for Good Boys & Girls (FP94)
FP93. Hornet & Wild Rose: The art of Tirzah Garwood
By Anne Ullmann
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2020
FP94. Woodcuts for Good Boys & Girls: used by John Newbery and his successors**
By Brian Alderson
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2021
FP95. Cut to Impress: Woodblocks once belonging to Philip Norbury, Thomas Carnan & John Newbery**
By Simon Lawrence Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2021
FP96. Spitsticks & Multiples: The History of the Society of Wood Engravers, 1920-46**
By Simon Lawrence & introduced by Joanna Selborne
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
My Brush is My Sword (FP100)
FP97. Peter Forster. Columbian 104**
Introduced by Simon Lawrence, illustrated by Peter Forster
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
FP98. Henry Morris & his Paste Papers**
by Sidney E. Berger
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
FP99. Iain Bain**
Funeral remarks by Kirsty Anderson, Simon Lawrence, Nigel Tattersfield and Sarah Bauhan
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
FP100. My Brush is My Sword**
By Julian Francis
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
FP101. 103 Not Out. David Gentleman’s Stamps**
By Brian Webb
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2022
FP102. Iron & Stone. Janet Stone’s photographs**
Introduced by Ian Archie Beck
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2023
FP103. Green Parrots for Old Ladies**
The childhood letters of Richard and Joanna Bawden, mostly from Edward Bawden, introduced by Simon Lawrence
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2023
FP104. A Bed in Chelsea. Letters to Muriel Rose from Edward Bawden**
Introduced by Gill Clarke
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2023
FP105. Yvonne Skargon**
By Jim Maslen
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2023
FP106. All Around the Block. the Fleece Press Bibliography**
By Simon Lawrence, foreword by Sebastian Carter
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2023
FP107. Zero to 44. Ephemera from The Fleece Press
75 albums of ephemeral items
Upper Denby, Fleece Press, 2024